Altered Carbon Font

What font is used in the Altered Carbon logo?
“ALTERED CARBON” is the font used in the Altered Carbon logo. You can use the font in your personal projects. Simply download it from the link below.
The Altered Carbon logo font is made up of a logo and font that is familiar to many people working in the field of chemistry, and the letters are designed like chemical formulas. The logo, which is hexagonal and contains a chromosome, is actually what happens when the technology in this movie is transferred to the human body, or more precisely, inside their chromosomes. If you are aware of the field of chemistry and its secrets, you must be making a film or set up a presentation and project, so this font is suitable for the title of your design.
About Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon, by targeting Morgan’s first novel as a source of adaptation, turns to Takeshi Kovac’s story, starring Joel Kinnaman, to solve welfare and the audience in a dark world filled with discrimination and duality, with the protagonist of the story, to solve the case involved a murder.
The world of Altered Carbon is based on a discovery in technology, as expected from a cyberpunk subcontractor, called a stack. With this technology, humans can transfer themselves to different bodies and somehow prevent real death. In this situation, the series beautifully, with its atmosphere and dialogues, shows the formation of class societies and changing social form in the best way.