Bunkered Font

What font is used in the Bunkered logo?
I did a lot of research to find the font used in the Bunkered logo. I didn’t find the exact font used in the logo. Most likely, this font has been personalized.
Anyway, I found two fonts that are very similar to the original logo font. The first is premium and the second is free. You can manipulate these fonts a bit to make them look like the desired font.
The first font is “Highbus BoldBuying Choices” and was designed by Ralph du Carrois and published by Primetype. This font is Premium and you can buy it from the link below.
The second alternative font is “Heading” and was designed by Zetafonts. You can use it in your personal and projects. Click on the button below to download it.
In almost all countries where there are facilities for competitions and golf classes, magazines are also published in this area, and Bunkered the Scottish magazine also provides useful content according to the competitions. But the good part of this magazine is the large-sized logo font, which fits well in the cover space. The tall style of this font is reminiscent of the original golf equipment, and you can download and use it for many sports flyers.
About Bunkered
Bunkered Magazine was founded in 1996 by PSP based on golf news from Glasgow, Scotland. Eight issues are published each year.
In 1999, the banker became the largest golf magazine in Scotland, a position that continues to strengthen. The magazine is compiled due to a combination of excellent content, including great interviews, in-depth features, instruction manuals, columnists and informed opinions, reviews and information about golf courses, golf vacation destinations, and travel advice. very-latest, up-to-the-minute golf equipment is popular.
The magazine has won many awards, such as Scottish Publisher of the Year, 2011, Consumer Magazine Editor of the Year, 2010, Consumer Magazine Editor of the Year, 2008, Scottish Brand Development of the Year, 2009, Scottish Publisher of the Year, 2006, Scottish Consumer Magazine of the Year, 2004