Calvin Klein Font

What font is used in the Calvin Klein logo?
“Futura Light” is the font used in the Calvin Klein logo. This font is designed by Paul Renner and published by URW Type Foundry. You can purchase this font from the link below.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font.
You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
The Calvin Klein logo font consists of the brand name and the brand’s first letters, which are all-cap and black and white palette. The color of the logo, depending on the type of product, is black on the Haute Couture line, gray on regular clothes, and white version on sportswear. These colors symbolize purity, elegance, perseverance, and grace. You can use this logo font in luxury brands, jewelry, and fashion and fashion websites.
About Calvin Klein
Of course, people who are very interested in fashion and clothing are familiar with the brand name Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein is a well-known and active brand in the field of perfumes, colognes, clothes, cosmetics, and so on. The brand was founded in 1968 by Calvin Richard Klein, the fashion house of Calvin Klein in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
When it comes to perfumes or thinking about perfumes, the first name that comes to mind is Calvin Klein. The brand’s founder changed the world of perfume with its perfumes. In the ’80s and’ 90s, Calvin Klein redefined the term perfume
Calvin Richard Klein is the founder of the company and the Calvin Klein brand. The Calvin Klein brand is a leading brand in fashion design, model, clothing model, ball gown model, men’s and women’s clothing markets, and a wide range of other related products.