Dior Font

What font is used in the Dior logo?
“Nicolas Cochin Regular” is the font used in the Dior logo. This font is designed by Georges Peignot and published by URW Type Foundry. You can purchase this font from the link below.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font.
You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
You’ve probably heard of Christine Dior or at least used Dior products. The brand’s logo foot is very simple and stylish, and with just four-letter words drawn in capital letters, it has the power to attract customers. Due to its simplicity, the brand’s logo font has special uses in many fashion brands, cosmetics, and even in the titles of luxury movies.
About Dior
Dior is named after the famous designer Christine Dior, who founded her own women’s clothing design empire in 1946. Kristin Dior Women’s Sewing is the only part of Dior’s home that produces a variety of accessories, including women’s clothing, luxury items, men’s clothing, and jewelry.
Today, Dior operates 160 boutiques around the world. There are many competitors for the company, the most well-known of which are: Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Versace, as well as many celebrities in Dior-designed clothing in the last 6, 7 decades.
He was a French fashion designer, known as one of the most famous founders of the fashion house in the world, and is also known as “Dior”. His father was wealthy and a fertilizer producer, and his wife, Isabel Cardamone, was his name.
During World War II, Dior served in southern France. He then returned to Paris in 1941 and worked in a larger design hall for Lucien Lolong. Dior opened its fashion salon in 1946 with the support of Marshall Bushhak, owner of the textile factory.