Mad Max: Fury Road Font

What font is used in the Mad Max: Fury Road logo?
“AgencyFB Black” is the font used in the Mad Max: Fury Road logo. This font is Designed by David Berlow. From Font Bureau. This font can be purchased from the following link.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font.
The font is called “Election 2016” and is designed by 538Fonts. You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
In an action movie where every minute human being drives on dirt roads at speed, with a stone-style font whose dust and bloodstains are the main effect, the thrill of the audience would double right away. You can use this font, written in bold, in flyers of fighter boxing, car racing, and action movies.
About Mad Max: Fury Road
The Mad Max movie series was one of the most engaging action films of the eighties that introduced a star named Mel Gibson to the cinema. But after George Miller made a few sequels to the work in the eighties, “Mad Max” came to an end and despite the series’ fans requesting
But 30 years after the latest installment of The Mad Max, George Miller himself returned to the cinema, and this return was accompanied by a remake of his favorite movie series, Mad Max. What makes “Mad Max: Fury Road” different from the usual blockbusters in Hollywood is the pay-per-view action scenes.
“Mad Max” has an action-crazy frenzy of action genre rules. An action that never stops moving, and of course this non-stop does not mean doing it at all costs. George Miller’s rebuilding of his post-apocalyptic world has given rise to insane moments that have not been seen in any black baster work to date.