New Balance Font

What font is used in the New Balance logo?
“ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std Demi” is the font used in the New Balance logo. This font is designed by Edward Benguiat, André Gürtler, Herb Lubalin, Tom Carnase, Erich Gschwind, Christian Mengelt and published by ITC. You can purchase this font from the link below.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font.
This font is “Evolventa” designed by Evolventa. You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
The brand we want to explain briefly today is the New Balance brand. The special logo font of this brand consists of the first letters of the brand that are glued together and according to the horizontal triangles that are horizontally in the letter N, they look like the sole of a shoe. This is what customers realize is the shoe brand. The font with the word ‘New Balance’ is a geometric and rotating style that is used for many luxury brands to provide slides for presentation and site titles.
About New Balance
New Balance started in 1906 in Massachusetts, USA, as a shoe manufacturer, and today it continues to be one of the largest manufacturers of sports shoes in the world. William G. Riley is the founder of the company, which initially produced only the arched insoles of sneakers, and then in 1937, a salesman named Arthur Hall partnered with him.
New Balance products are produced in the United States and the United Kingdom. The American company offers its products for the United States and the British company for consumers in Europe. Production of this product in the United States and the United Kingdom has greatly increased the price of this product, but to compensate for this high price, New Balance offers special features such as jelly insole, heel protector, and excellent quality to the customer.