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Full Page Newspaper Mockup PSD Template premium

Newspapers are still symbols that keep people informed of the news every day. Although increasingly popular and replaced by electronic and online platforms today, it still has a formal feel and many online resources do not have it.

You can make your ads and any presentations stronger with this full-page newspaper mockup template. With this newspaper mockup, you can create your own custom advertising mockup and quickly join the job market with other professional designers in minutes.

The best part of this mockup as a full-page front page is that it’s a PSD file with smart objects, so whatever you think you need to change, do it. Copy the resources already provided by your clients to this mockup and send it as soon as possible. Success is in a few steps.

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File Types PSD /
DPI 72 /
File Size 53 MB
Dimensions 3500 x 2500
Licence Free for Personal and Commercial Use
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 and above
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