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Gold Floral 3D Text Effect premium

As a designer, and especially a designer for text and brand and advertising logos, you need to be aware of what color scheme is appropriate and what colors to avoid. This is also true for designs, meaning that with floral designs what backgrounds and professions are used to make things better.

In the text effect, you should remember that the gold color itself is very bright and the use of very light and dark colors may spoil your artwork. In the gold floral 3D text effect we used a light cream color and light brown, so this step has been successful for you. Try other colors as well to get to the truth.

The font and text size should be in the same ratio in the background and avoid a background that is consistent with the same color of text style and avoid the effect text that cannot pull itself out of the background to attract attention. At this point, we also chose a background where the font is beautifully visible.

You’ll also share your successes and tips with us to help you with the next effects.

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  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 and above
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