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Transformers: The Last Knight Text Effect premium

We wondered when saw the new title of the Transformers movie series. “the last knight”! The knight symbolizes power and authority in the dark, and even in the light day, there is nothing but victory. Just like the transformers robots that are looking for victory this time around.

You are seeing a different movie text effect from this movie, which clearly shows the pieces of machines, or that the transformers have become characters instead of becoming robots that look like human beings. Each character is different from the other, meaning the parts of the machine used are different. The style of this text effect is crazy!

If we were to use the effects of this text style, it would be a long list, and maybe the length of this list would be as high as the Optimus Prime of the boss leader. For print fonts and typography, interior decoration such as walls and floors, mosaical texture, industrial purposes, machinery, and more.

Of course, boys who have been interested in robotics and machines since childhood, are your special target audience with this robot cinematic text effect with beautiful textures called robot names on toy cars.

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  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 and above