28 Days Later Font

What font is used in the 28 Days Later logo?
“28 Days Later” is the font used in the 28 Days Later logo. This font is designed by Filmhimmel. You can use the font in your personal projects. Simply download it from the link below.
The grunge, distressed and bloody curves are the features of the ’28 Days Later’ logo font. You can use the logo image as a semicircle or bloody dagger in a flyer or bloody movie header, or combine part of it with a font and use it as a new style in promotional or artistic designs. Print and use on paper or streets.
About 28 Days Later
“28 Days Later” is one of the zombie-driven works on this list, which is, arguably, one of the best-made films of this genre. In this film we see the British people being turned into zombies by the spread of the virus, and the film tells the story of a group of four survivors trying to survive and reach a shelter.
The film’s director, Danny Boyle, is very artistic in depicting an apocalyptic world, and the survivors’ quest for survival in a cruel, zombie-infested world is very natural. The film has also won numerous awards, including the Saturn Award for Best Scary Movie of the Year, the Empire Award for Best British Film of the Year, and the Best Director Award at the Best Fantasy Film Festival. The total movie sales are $ 83 million.