American Animals Font

What font is used in the American Animals logo?
“Optimorgan One” is the font used in the American Animals logo. You can use the font in your personal projects. Simply download it from the link below.
How far can your goals and aspirations take you? In the “American Animals” movie, you can see some examples. Due to the high height of the letters, the font of its logo is a symbol of long and dark goals that are not complete, and it may pass through the clouds of the sky at any moment. This long style in this logo font is welcomed by many audiences who are working in the field of advertising, film title design, or magazines. We suggest you try it too.
About American Animals
The American Animals, based on a true 2004 story, is primarily intended to portray the negative changes young people face due to their toxic need for money. Young people who are willing to steal money and even achieve their dreams even steal from libraries where the original copies of valuable art and history books are kept and guarded by a single incapacitated old woman without any special guards or security systems.
The film has selected talented and familiar actors for the performance, and according to an interesting idea, it also uses the original versions of the characters in the story, who appear in front of the camera in a few seconds and tell the main story.