Ozark Font

What font is used in the Ozark logo?
“Futura Book” is the font used in the Ozark logo. This font is designed by Paul Renner and published by URW Type Foundry. You can purchase this font from the link below.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font.
You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
It’s not a coincidence that a font-style of accounting is designed for a movie in the crime genre that is about an investor. In the Ozark logo font, the designers have shown the $ mark in reverse, according to the currency, which is the dollar, by adding lines to the letter Z. You can use this logo font in many computing, money design, bank brands, and investment movies.
About Ozark
Drama series that are in the drama-crime genre and try to show the vague mentality of American materialism is usually not worth watching. But Ozark causes a new spirit to be breathed into this repetitive genre. The series, which airs on Netflix’s tradition every 10 episodes each year, was written by Bill Dubuque and starred Jason Bateman as the master of the series and directed most of the episodes.
Bateman plays a character named Marty Brad. A smart investor consultant who launders money and his life is, therefore, devoid of emotion. But when things get out of hand, he, as if awakened, gathers his whole family and takes them to Ozark to free himself from their clutches by doing the last money laundering for the cartel, but that’s what happened. A strange thing happens that affects his life and his plan.