Radio Times Font

What font is used in the Radio Times logo?
I did a lot of research to find the font used in the Radio Times logo. I didn’t find the exact font used in the logo. Most likely, this font has been personalized.
Anyway, I found two fonts that are very similar to the original logo font. The first is premium and the second is free. You can manipulate these fonts a bit to make them look like the desired font.
The first font is “Core Sans NR 87 Cond Heavy” and was designed by Hyun-Seung Lee, Dae-Hoon Hahm, Minjoo Ham and published by S-Core. This font is Premium and you can buy it from the link below.
The second alternative font is “Fira Sans Extra Condensed” and was designed by Principal design. You can use it in your personal and commercial projects. Click on the button below to download it.
For people who don’t have the time or resources to watch a movie or listen to the radio, this is the best and cheapest way to read magazines like Radio Times. The magazine covers all reviews during the week. The font of the logo chosen for it completes the style of this magazine in its cover. You can use this logo font for many brands, movies, and series.
About Radio Times
The British magazine was founded in 1923 by John Reith to cover film reviews, radio, and television listings. Initially, Radio Times was a hybrid company between the British Broadcasting Corporation and the publisher of George News, which typed, printed, and distributed the magazine.
In the 1950s, Radio Times grew as the most widely circulated magazine in Europe, with an average of 8.8 million sales in 1955.
Between April and November 1990, Radio Times launched a four-page preview of British satellite broadcasting programs for five channels (including Sports Channel, Film Channel, Now, Galaxy, and Power Station) and used promotional features.
Every year, Radio Times celebrates the people and programs on its cover at Radio Times Covers, where large versions of the cover are presented.
On May 5, 2020, with the publication of 5,000 Times radio articles with excellent lead articles by support staff and frontline workers of the National Health Service, protection against the global COVID-19 epidemic to save millions of lives.