Philadelphia 76ers Font

What font is used in the Philadelphia 76ers logo?
I did a lot of research to find the font used in the Philadelphia 76ers logo. I didn’t find the exact font used in the logo. Most likely, this font has been personalized.
Anyway, I found two fonts that are very similar to the original logo font. The first is premium and the second is free. You can manipulate these fonts a bit to make them look like the desired font.
The first font is “ITC Clearface Black” and was designed by Victor Caruso and published by ITC. This font is Premium and you can buy it from the link below.
The second alternative font is “Vollkorn” and was designed by FRiTZe. You can use it in your personal and commercial projects. Click on the button below to download it.
You must be wondering what the number ‘7’ in red and the number ‘6’ in blue mean in the Philadelphia 76ers logo font, these two are Declaration of Independence which was signed in Philadelphia in 1776. At the top of the number 7, 13 stars in a circular shape stood for the first American Colonies.
In this circular emblem, the name of the team is designed with a sporty style on the top of the circle and a basketball in blue and white colors in the middle of it. This font is a great idea for printing on sportswear or using for sports brands.
About Philadelphia 76ers
Philadelphia 76ers is an American basketball team based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The team is based in the Atlantic region of the NBA East Conference. The previous name of the team was Syracuse Nationals, which was known as one of the old NBA teams.
After the team moved to Philadelphia in 1963, a competition was held to select a new name for the team, which was named “76ers” by a person named “Walter Stalberg”. The name was chosen to pay tribute to the men who founded the United States in 1776.
The Philadelphia team has a rich history. Many of the greatest NBA players such as Wilt Chamberlain, Julius Irving, Moses Malone, Charles Barkley and Alan Iverson have played on the team.