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Blade Runner 2049 Text Effect premium

It’s time for the iconic Blade Runner logo effect. If you are into the cyberpunk kind of movie then you already know what this logo means. A 3D text divided by two is literally telling us a futuristic story is about to come. And now you can be a part of the story and customize this logo.

This logo consists of a bold and all caps font, and red color with a grey accent tells a classic futuristic sci-fi story. This logo now can be yours to customize and be told again. Undoubtedly this text/logo template is the most similar to the original version and can transform any text or logo with just one click.

This Blade Runner’s text/logo effect is only a beginning. There are hundreds of other text effects that are waiting for you to help you with your projects. It’s time to speed up your project 100% faster. Join us and get access to everything plus weekly free updates.

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  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 and above
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