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The Forbidden Kingdom Movie Text Effect premium

Most of this text effect alone seems to some people to be a fantasy and mystery movie. Now, if you look at the background of this material art poster showing the fight between the two gods of Kong Fu, Jackie Chan, and Jet Lee in “The Forbidden Kingdom” movie, some people would be surprised to see many questions mark that the original text and the purpose of the story are far from each other. But people like us and you know that this golden-colored movie text effect is a symbol of a golden staff.

After the release of the movie posters and banners, many Chinese liked to use the effects of the film in their shops to introduce products or the name of the material art store, but the Chinese version was not readily available.

Now, we have enabled it, so that citizens everywhere can use the text effect of their film in their personal and commercial endeavors in any dialect, and the Chinese font is as easy to edit as the English version.

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  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 and above