6 Underground Font

What font is used in the 6 Underground logo?
“AF Carplates” is the font used in the 6 Underground logo. This font is designed by Christian Küsters, Sandy Suffield and published by ACME Collection. In this logo, the letter “U” is slightly personalized. This font can be purchased from the following link.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font. You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
Due to the action of the Six Underground movie, the logo font is military style and the letters are rectangular. This type of design represents resistance. Given the group’s involvement in military action, the film’s title can be used in music flyers, speed and police movies, as well as games that are primarily aimed at players having guns.
About 6 Underground
Michael B is best known for directing action films such as the first two episodes of Bad Boys and five episodes of the Transformers series, now a way for Netflix to prove again that he can direct and even make a big blockbuster. Netflix provided a large budget to direct Six Underground.
The film Six Underground follows the story of an underground paramilitary group of 6 members who faked their deaths and now live like ghosts and now have a mission to bring down the dictator of an imaginary country called Turgeistan. Replace her brother for peace and tranquility.
Although the story of the film is quite stereotypical, and we have seen it in many films and series so far, such films certainly play an important part in the action and process of events, whether or not the film succeeds or fails to properly adhere to it.