Cinderella 2015 Font

What font is used in the Cinderella logo?
I did a lot of searching and couldn’t find the font used exactly on the Cinderella movie logo. However, I found three fonts that are very similar to the logo. You can manipulate these fonts a bit to make them look like the desired font.
The first font is “Mansory” and designed by Larin Type Co. This font is Premium and you can buy it from the link below.
The second font is “Albra Sans Light” and designed by Yang Lu. This font is also premium and you can buy it by clicking the button below
The third font is “COM4F” and designed by Hideki Katayama. This font is completely free and you can download it for free by clicking the button below. You can use this font in your personal and commercial projects.
When we talk about Cinderella, we are unconsciously reminded of the story and character that have made us feel like a fictional human being. The Cinderella font, in addition to its beautiful effect, resembles luxurious fonts that fascinate every human, and with the sadness of cartoon characters, one could hope that there would be a happy ending and that Cinderella’s diamond shoes are not unrelated to Cinderella font. Now you can use this font in luxury logos, music videos, and romance movies.
About Cinderella
Converting an animation into a real movie is a difficult task, mainly if it is a classic animation by Cinderella, created by Disney in 1951 and memorized by three generations of film enthusiasts. Real actors and new emotions may be attacked by some, especially when the director is more in the Shakespearean world than in the Disney fantasy worlds.
The director and writer of this film understood and understood the importance of fantasy in the 1951 film. They have also made some nice changes to the 2015 version that can be attributed to turning Cinderella into a strong, independent character.
Disney plans to turn many of his animations into a masterpiece, and Cinderella has shown that she doesn’t need a masterpiece to make a musical, or to add dramatic scenes.