Eighth Grade Font

What font is used in the Eighth Grade logo?
“Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro+ Super” is the font used in the Eighth Grade logo. This font is designed by H. Berthold. You can purchase this font from the link below.
If you do not want to buy this font, we have also provided a free and alternative font that is very similar to the original font.
This font is “TabarraPro Black” designed by deFharo. You can use this font in your personal projects. Download and enjoy this font from the link below.
For films like The Eighth Year, which are neither in the children’s genre and fancy-style fonts nor in the adult and family genres, which use classic or luxury fonts, the choice is a bit difficult. But the Eighth Grade film’s logo designer has chosen almost a combination of the two for the film. Cheerful yellow color and bold and classic style that is great. You have or had dreams as a teenager; it is a good opportunity to use this font in movies, teen promotional posts.
About Eighth Grade
“Eighth Year” is more like a part of real-life than a story about puberty. Time constraints do not allow the first part to be fully created. The film, which takes place over two weeks in the middle of the school year, focuses on the advances and changes that are taking place in the life of 14-year-old Kayla.
It’s hard to talk about this movie and not to mention the very good and precise and detailed play of “Fisher”. “Kayla” gives you the feeling that she’s the character in the movie, and that’s not strange at all.
The success and impact of “Eighth Year” should be attributed to the achievement of the director’s nostalgic sense of humor, as well as to Fisher’s pure and honest acting, which is as honest as if it weren’t a game.