Fast Company Font

What font is used in the Fast Company logo?
I did a lot of research to find the font used in the Fast Company logo. I didn’t find the exact font used in the logo. Most likely, this font has been personalized.
Anyway, I found two fonts that are very similar to the original logo font. The first is premium and the second is free. You can manipulate these fonts a bit to make them look like the desired font.
The first font is “GRIFO” and was designed by Rui Abreu. This font is Premium and you can buy it from the link below.
The second alternative font is free and you can use it in your personal projects. Click on the button below to download it.
Sometimes changing and selecting multiple fonts is not appropriate for a brand that is made up of a few words, and instead, font and its use with different sizes are more effective. The logo font of Fast Company magazine is very simple, but the placement and size of the letters, A is fast and o in the company, make it different. This logo font is used for luxury, commercial, economic, banking, and many other brands.
About Fast Company
The magazine was founded in November 1995 by Alan Webber and Bill Taylor, two former Harvard Business Review editors, and publisher Mortimer Zuckerman. Which focuses on technology, business, and design.
In 1997, the fast-paced online social networking company, Friends, created several groups that started the meeting. At one time, Friends had more than 40,000 members in 120 cities, although by 2003 that number had dropped to 8,000.
Launched in 1995, covers leadership and innovation in business, environmental and social issues, entertainment and marketing, and through its Co.Design site, the crossroads of business and design, from architecture to electronics. , Including consumer products to fashion.
Fast currently handles several voting rights, including “Most Innovative Companies,” “World Change Ideas,” “Design Innovation,” and “The Most Creative People.” For its innovative companies, Quick Company evaluates thousands of jobs to create a list of the 50 companies with the most innovative ones.