Fight Club Font

What Font Was Used in Fight Club Logo and Posters?
“Fight This” is the font used in the movie Fight Club. This font is designed by Apostrophic Labs. You can use the font in your personal and commercial projects. Simply download it from the link below.

About Mortal Engines Movie
Fight Club is a movie based on the novel of the same name written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996. The movie was directed by David Fincher and it stars Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. Laura Ziskin is the producer of the movie and for the adaption, she hired Jim Uhls and the director of the movie showed enthusiasm for the story and he was selected.
Homoerotic overtones of the novel were used by the director to make the audience anticipate the twist ending. This film released in 1999, couldn’t make a big success at the box office and received polarized reviews and it became one of the most controversial movies of the time. Some critics were worried that this film might incite copycat behavior. The DVD release of the film could make a success at the box office.
This film holds a rating of 79%, with an average rating of 7.35/10 on the Rotten Tomatoes. Edward Norton plays the nameless first-person narrator who forms a “fight club”. In order to subdue his emotional state, this person attends support groups and he meets with another fake attendee of this group and this makes his life more bearable. And then he is dragged into a competitive rivalry for love and power and then he must face an awful truth.