Platoon Font

What font is used in the Platoon logo?
“Platoon” is the font used in the Platoon logo. This font is designed by SpideRaYsfoNtS. You can use the font in your personal and commercial projects. Simply download it from the link below.
Many of the films about the Vietnam War show scenes of tension and battle, but “Platoon” has taken a different look at the war, which can also be seen in its logo font. Steel style with two letters O with a plate. And that’s the kind of personal view I talked about. You can also produce war stories from different perspectives and use fonts from different perspectives.
About Platoon
Oliver Stone did not forget Vietnam, because he volunteered for the Vietnam Ring, like the protagonists of his films, and like many of them, he soon became aware of the devastating effects of this war. The three movies that explicitly deal with this war, in its hidden layers, show that Stone’s entire intellectual world has always been influenced by the bitter past that led him to make such judgments.
The young narrative squad is from a wealthy family that joins the military as a result of the government’s extreme propaganda and is sent to Vietnam to pursue its nationalist ideals. But after arriving in Vietnam, the realities of the one-on-one war became clear to him, and he became an observer and then gradually engaged in conflicts that arose not against the objective enemy but among his own people.