Super Mario Font

What font is used in the Super Mario logo?
“Super Mario 256” is the font used in the Super Mario logo. This font is designed by fsuarez913. You can use the font in your personal and commercial projects. Simply download it from the link below.
Those Games that made for children in the 1980s are among the first and of course the most popular games. The font of Mario game, wherever you go and watch it, quickly remembers good childhood memories. Of course, the new version of the game has not stopped, but its logo remains a fantasy and colorful design. We suggest you also use this font for children’s toys and entertainment to get more familiar with this popular game.
About Super Mario
Created by Shigeru Miyamoto, Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong (1981). The Italian plumber then appeared in more than 5 different games from Nintendo. Most of the games in the Mario series are in the “Mushroom Land”, with the main purpose of rescuing Princess Bolt from the negative character of the series, the Buzzer.
He was originally called “Jumpman” because he could jump from the barrels. Miyamoto also wanted to name Mr. Video or Mr. Put the video on this character because Mario was supposed to be the main character in most Nintendo games. Fortunately, none of these names were chosen for the legendary plumber.
The Mario Collection, with over 2 million copies sold, is considered to be the best-selling collection in history.